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Decode the principles to manifest your desires

How will you feel when you finally manifest a profitable business? 

Learn the 3 Powerful Techniques to Manifest More Success in Your Business
You're ready to manifest big dreams!

You really want to build that profitable business so you set the intention, shut your eyes tight to meditate on what you want but every time you take a peek at your reality, it’s still the same lack that you don’t want.


You just don’t understand what’s going on! 


You’re not a newbie. You’ve been studying the Law of Attraction for quite a while now and things are starting to click here and there but you still feel that what you desire is so far away.


You want to manifest more sales and money now! You’re tired of waiting and seeing no progress.


And you can have more sales and money sooner rather than later!

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You’re likely reading this because you feel that there’s a missing piece to your manifestation practice but you just can’t put a finger on it.


You’re ready to release old stories around money getting in the way of your money flow! 


You want manifestation explained simply and easy to implement!


Well you just manifested it!

The 21-Day Manifestation Bootcamp is your guide to manifesting more money, soul-aligned clients and sales.

Each day, you’ll receive a simple, actionable exercise to complete that will get your mindset in alignment with your manifesting powers.


Most manifestation resources teach at a surface level which results in quick, temporary change.


What you’ll experience in the next 21 days will begin to create internal shifts to open your portal to receiving. A portal that you can control and open to whatever desire you choose.


If you haven’t been able to manifest the money, business or life you desire despite reciting all the affirmations, meditating every morning and practicing the Law of Attraction, this 21-Day Manifestation Bootcamp will reveal the missing pieces to your practice.

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The reason you’re not able to manifest is because your subconscious mind is not onboard. Your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% brain activity. It is the decision maker that decides what you do to call in what you want.

The Critical Faculty filter is what allows familiar information into the subconscious mind so that it can take action on your suggestions.

There are 3 ways to bypass the Critical Faculty to get your mind onboard with the actions required to achieve your desires.

The behavioral and belief shifts you’ll do during the next 21 days will speed up the manifestation and establish your new wealth identity for long lasting change.

Imagine feeling so confident that you can easily manifest what you focus on that you simply enjoy the journey...

What you can expect to experience:

  • Improved awareness of the steps to take to increase sales

  • Alignment and focus to your desires to draw them in with ease

  • A shift in your frequency calling in more money and dream clients

  • Better communication in your marketing, sales conversations and relationships

  • Opportunities to enjoy life more so you exude magnetizing energy



Get access to meditation audios and worksheets to keep you motivated

Throughout the bootcamp, there will be opportunities to win prizes including access to secret meditation audios and journals!


Vanessa Ann Miller is a business and money strategist with a mission to empower women all over the globe to normalize financial freedom. 


She has helped countless clients create consistent $10K+ months through healing their relationship with money, reframing their mindset, and implementing simplistic business strategies. 


Vanessa truly believes with the right mindset, confidence, and solid strategy, women can design the business of their dreams & attract a steady flow of income in their most authentic way. 


“You have it in you to succeed, I just help you get there quicker,” - Vanessa Ann Miller


When she’s not with clients transforming lives, you can catch Vanessa on her podcast ‘The Aligned Business Women’ or spending quality time with her family. 

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